Sunday 26 February 2012

First Papers

Today I read a couple of papers in order to understand what the High Frequency Trading systems stand for and the methods and techniques they utilize.

The best paper so far is the High Frequency Trading from Peter Gomber et all. 2011. This paper defines HFT and analyze Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading Strategies and related concepts. Another important issue that is included is the regulation and regulatory discussion that is take place and the differences between U.S and the European Market System.

Another interesting paper is the Capital Market surveillance using stream processing from Aniruddha Mujherjee et all. 2010 which analyze how complex event processing can be used in order to detect financial fraud in real time.

In the next post I will mention some papers that analyze the Network infrastructure and the latency problem.
Also an introduction on SPSS Modeler will follow.

Sunday 19 February 2012

First Post

Well this is my first post! 

I intend to use this blog mostly to remind myself the progress I make on my projects but I will also discuss a lot of topics that may oppress my conscience!

Oh I almost forgot it... H E L L O everybody!!